Why should you always get a financial order in a divorce? There is often a misunderstanding that financial matters are automatically settledduring divorce proceedings. However, while a Financial Order is not required tofinalise a divorce, it is…
Nuptial Agreements: Planning for a Secure Future Nuptial agreements—both prenuptial (before marriage) and postnuptial (after marriage)—are no longer just for the wealthy or celebrities. As more couples recognize the importance of financial clarity and protection, these agreements…
Child Arrangements for the Holidays: Ensuring a Peaceful Season After Separation Holidays can be a magical time for families, but for separated parents, they often bring additional stress and conflict. Deciding how children will spend their time…
What Parents Can and Cannot Do Without the Other’s Consent in Child Arrangements When parents separate, one of the most critical issues they face is how to manage the care and upbringing of their children. The concept…